Where to Stay


Where to Stay

Type of Accommodation

There are a wide range of alternatives. Unfortunately, the university doesn't own any student accommodation of its own, so that is not an option. But alternatives include:


As you can see from the map, ADFA is not close to many residential suburbs of Canberra; and those it is closest to are relatively expensive. Realistically, the closest suburbs within the average student budget are probably O'Connor, Lyneham, Dickson and Hackett.

Many of our students have found that the best alternative is the nearby city of Queanbeyan. It is actually closer to ADFA than much of Canberra, and the rental costs are very reasonable. However Queanbeyan is not a realistic alternative unless you intend to own a car, as the bus services to Canberra are not very convenient for ADFA.

Email: gradstud@cs.adfa.edu.au
